

Somatic Experiencing (TM) is a method designed by Dr Peter Levine in the healing of Trauma. He defines Trauma as any experience which is experienced by us as overwhelming or beyond our capabilities and our resources.  Trauma in our organisms may occur in an obvious way as a result of a particular event, but what is frequently overlooked is that it can also manifest through an accumulation of stressors of all kinds over time.  Trauma may present in both psychological and  physical symptoms and sometimes both.  These symptoms may be very specific but can also be more general  and harder to pin point such as;  a sense of pervasive  fatigue, vague discontent, a sense of overwhelm, sense of not managing  or of not living life to the full, or to one’s full potential,  as well as, in difficulties in one’s interpersonal life.

Somatic Experiencing works to bring the nervous system back to  a state of intrinsic balance and self-regulation by restoring  the natural rhythms of pendulation which are central to the state of Self-regulation and in re-building resilience. An awareness or consciousness of this process within our uniquely individual systems brings us to a place of agency and allows us to become active participants in the choices we make to remain in balance and restore coherence in our organism, our relationships and the lives we live.


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